Gazette: Easter week 4

MCR Events

Supervising and Teaching 101

How to teach as a postgraduate student?

Have you ever wondered the best way to teach at the University of Cambridge?
Would you like to do supervisions but don’t know where to apply or how to start?
Are you interested to hear about different paid teaching opportunities?

The MCR and the Senior Tutor will run an event with all the important information: Supervising and Teaching 101. The session will start with a short talk about the main information and then you can join a 1-to-1 chat with the Senior Tutor to find out about relevant details and opportunities.

Tea, coffee, biscuits and cake will be provided.

Who: Current and future students interested in being involved in supervisions and teaching
Time: Saturday 28th May 2 pm
Venue: to be announced

Participation is free, but please, express your interest here.
In case of any questions, please contact Eva (


Feedback: Hall Food

The kitchens have made a feedback form so you can submit your thoughts on recent food served in the hall, at formals, or otherwise. It is at the bottom of the college dining page.

This is a great way to influence and let the chefs and servers know your thoughts on food (such as last night’s Korean formal or any other occasion) if you would like similar or different food.


MCR Open meeting

We continue the discussion about the MCR Constitution and MCR Rules and Procedures on Monday 16th May at 7pm in the Jock Coville Hall. If you are interested in the topic, please join.
Based on the discussion last week, the proposed changes in the Rules and Procedures have been updated.  On Monday, we’ll continue to discuss a few remained questions regarding that document and the potential changes of the Constitution. Please, find here and here the comparison between the proposed and current versions.
In case you cannot attend the meeting in person, please use this form to submit your comments/suggestions/questions. In case of any other questions, please contact Eva (



Welfare yoga sessions are back on after the break. Come unwind after a day of classes, research, revisions or otherwise as we practise yoga.

Let’s meet at 6pm on Thursday 19th May at Jock Colville Hall to stretch together!


Around the College

College Library update

Free comb binding

If you are submitting hard copies of a dissertation or project this term, we can comb bind your work for you in the Library Office. This service is free of charge to Churchill College members. Either drop in with your printed document between 9am-12.30pm, 1-5pm, or email us to make an appointment.

Arts and Humanities magazines and newspapers now in the Bevin Library

Thank you to all who filled in our poll. Based on your feedback we have now moved the Times Literary Supplement, the New York Review of Books, Der Spiegel, Le Monde, and El Pais up to the Maisonneuve Room in the Bevin Library, so they are nearer to our other literature and modern language collections.

Lloyds Computer Room

We are seeking feedback on the Lloyds Computer Room and how this space might be better used. Some of the Managed Cluster Service (MCS) computers in the Lloyds Room have been switched off for the past two years to allow for social distancing; we’re now deciding how many computer workstations are needed in this space going forward, and looking at what other provision may be useful. One possibility would be to have hot desking space where you can bring your own device and plug into a larger monitor, keyboard and mouse. We’d love to hear how you are currently using this space (particularly in the evenings and weekends), and any suggestions for future provision. Please email any ideas or comments to


Give me Inspiration! The Paradigm Shift with Professor Devi Sridhar

What do academics actually do? What motivates them to get out of bed each morning and to deliver what is — or in many cases what isn’t – expected of them? Join the Give me Inspiration! series to join the discussion about these and similar questions. The next in this series of conversations will be with Professor Devi Sridhar, Professor and Chair of Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh.This is a hybrid event, taking place in person in the Wolfson Theatre (subject to the Covid situation/guidelines at that time), but also live-streamed online as a Zoom webinar. Please use this form to book for either format, you will be asked to specify which ticket you require.The event will be followed by a drinks reception at 7pm. All are welcome to attend. Places are free but bookings are essential.

For booking and further details, visit the Eventbrite.


Churchill Connect

Churchill Connect is a special networking platform just for Churchillians.

It works a bit like a cross between Facebook and LinkedIn (you can use it for tracking down/keeping up with friends after you graduate, as well as informal networking and mentoring from alumni), but with no ads and no selling your data to anyone!

This is the website we use particularly to advertise opportunities that we hear about such as internships, and you can also reach out to alumni who have marked themselves as willing to help, in order to get some career-related advice.

You can search for users by degree, industry, company, etc, and message them within the platform to ask for help, perhaps by looking over your CV. Registration is free, join here: Churchill Connect.


Around the University

Newnham College Postdoctoral Affiliates

The Newnham College welcomes applications from women in any subject seeking to be affiliated to Newnham College as Postdoctoral Affiliates, strengthening Newnham’s already significant academic community.

Postdoctoral Affiliates are members of the College’s Senior Combination Room, through which they have access to a lively interdisciplinary Fellowship and will receive invitations to attend and give College events, lectures and seminars. These are non-stipendiary positions, though undergraduate teaching and admissions interviewing, and postgraduate student mentoring opportunities may be available in some subjects, for which payment would be made at normal intercollegiate rates.

These affiliations will be for one academic year starting on 1 October 2022 and may be renewed annually at the discretion of the College Council (but not normally renewed beyond three years).

Applicants must hold an established and salaried postdoctoral research position or personal fellowship in the University of Cambridge or one of its associated research institutes, with tenure for at least two years. Applicants must be physically based in Cambridge for the duration of their affiliation and must have completed a PhD. The College is looking to select up to 15 Postdoctoral Affiliates, to add to a cohort which will total 25 Affiliates and aspires to achieve a balance between the arts and the sciences.

Further information and details of how to apply can be found on the College’s website.
Closing date: 20 May 2022


Demand Responsive Transport Trial

The Sustainability Team’s Travel and Transport section are excited to announce that we have launched a Demand Responsive Transport trial along Hills Road to locations on the current Universal bus route. It is now fully operational and is open for all staff and students to use for journeys that begin or end at either Homerton or the Department of Education for the next 10 weeks. Please be mindful that this is a trial (and very innovative use of DRT technology!) so please build in extra time for your journey.

Journeys will cost £1, in line with the Universal bus, with the remainder of the cost being paid by the University. The trial service aims to provide better public transport connections for University and College establishments along Hills Road with the rest of the University.

Please email if you have any feedback from using the service, positive or negative.


Uncomfortable Cambridge

See the most iconic views of the city, while discovering the histories of town/gown conflict, slavery, colonialism, gender, and sexuality which shaped them. On these discussion-based tours, our guides tell stories and ask questions to spark messy, respectful conversations inspired by the cityscape.

– What should we do with controversial statues?– How should nations teach their histories?– Who has access to university education?For bookings and more information, visit the website.