Gazette: Easter week 6
MCR Events
We would like to invite you to the next Termly General Meeting that will take place on Wednesday 1 June at 7:00 pm in Jock Coville Hall, Churchill College.
You can access a provisional agenda here.
As you may know, we would like to update the MCR Constitution as well as the MCR Rules and Procedures. I would like to propose the changes based on the discussions during the two Open Meetings and the feedbacks.
Please, find here and here the comparison between the proposed and current versions.
The voting about the Rules and Procedures will take in person at the TGM. About the Constitution, we will be conducting a referendum using the Cambridge Student Union voting will open from Wednesday 1 June at 11:50 pm to Friday 3 May at 11:50 pm.
If you have any questions, please email me (
Great Churchill Bake Off
Welfare yoga sessions are back on after the break. Come unwind after a day of classes, research, revisions or otherwise as we practise yoga.
Let’s meet at 6pm on Thursday 2 June at Jock Colville Hall to stretch together!
Yoga and Wellbeing Club
The new Yoga Club will be having its first meeting on Thursday 2 June at 7 pm (Jock Coville Hall/Lawn) to discuss which activities will be run (we heard something about Zumba?! and Meditation).
If you are interested join the Yoga Club’s new Facebook group for communications.
Looking for private accommodation with Churchill Students
You won’t live at College accommodation next year but would like to live with Churchill Students?
Join the Facebook page! The aim of this is helping you to find your fellow Students who are also looking for private accommodation for the next academic year (2022/2023).
Poll for hot desks/computers at Churchill
Churchill library is seeking feedback on the Lloyds Computer Room and how this space might be better used.
Some of the Managed Cluster Service (MCS) computers in the Lloyds Room have been switched off for the past two years to allow for social distancing; they are now deciding how many computer workstations are needed in this space going forward, and looking at what other provision may be useful. One possibility would be to have hot desking space where you can bring your own device and plug into a larger monitor, keyboard and mouse.
If you have any suggestions or comments on this, please email, or fill out this super quick form.
Feedback: Hall Food
The kitchens have made a feedback form so you can submit your thoughts on recent food served in the hall, at formals, or otherwise. It is at the bottom of the college dining page.
This is a great way to influence and let the chefs and servers know your thoughts on food (such as last night’s Korean formal or any other occasion) if you would like similar or different food.
Around the College
Churchill Connect
Churchill Connect is a special networking platform just for Churchillians.
It works a bit like a cross between Facebook and LinkedIn (you can use it for tracking down/keeping up with friends after you graduate, as well as informal networking and mentoring from alumni), but with no ads and no selling your data to anyone!
This is the website we use particularly to advertise opportunities that we hear about such as internships, and you can also reach out to alumni who have marked themselves as willing to help, in order to get some career-related advice.
You can search for users by degree, industry, company, etc, and message them within the platform to ask for help, perhaps by looking over your CV. Registration is free, join here: Churchill Connect.
Let’s meet at 6pm on Thursday 26th May at Jock Colville Hall to stretch together!
Around the University
UCS Self Compassion Workshop: Rescheduled date and time
Wednesday 1 June, 3.00 – 4.40pm
If you are interested in registering for this please do advise them to join by using the link below:
Other opportunities
Society of Fellows Nominations 2022
The Society of Fellows is now receiving nominations for three-year Junior Fellowships beginning July 1, 2023. Information regarding the purpose and scope of the fellowship and the current rules for its administration can be found on the website. People interested in any field of study are eligible for the fellowship; they should be of the highest caliber of intellectual achievement, i.e. manifesting extraordinary creativity and shaping the future direction of their chosen field.
The deadline for nominations is Friday, August 12th. All nominations must be submitted electronically via the nomination form on the website.
The Society has always sought the best possible candidates at an early stage of their scholarly careers, regardless of their fields. No rigid formula governs our choice, but we expect that candidates will have completed their routine training for advanced study and will be far along in the dissertation stage, able to submit samples of independent work (e.g. articles, papers, dissertation chapters) in support of their candidacies. If pursuing the Ph.D., Junior Fellows should be prepared to finish their degrees within a year of becoming fellows. If already a recipient of the degree, they should not be more than one year past the Ph.D. at the time the fellowship commences. Most Junior Fellows receive the Ph.D. just prior to the start of the fellowship.
Earn up to £150 in multi-session MRI study: 2x 2h MRI scans (Addenbrooke’s), 7x 1h sessions performing an online computer-based task.
We are currently recruiting for a brain imaging study looking into visual learning mechanisms.
MRI Study Advert
If you are interested and:
- Male
- 18-35 years old
- With perfect or corrected-to-normal vision (contact lenses only, glasses cannot be taken into the scanner)
- Without history of neuropsychiatric or neurodevelopmental disorders
- Under no medication
- MRI safe (contact us if unsure)
then please drop us a line at using 7T_TUNING as subject.
Please note that participation in past experiments in our lab may render you ineligible for this study, please get in touch if in doubt.