Medical care in Cambridge:
Comprehensive range of health services provided to UK residents through NHS
- Free hospital visits and GP visits – register with nearby GP (Huntingdon Road Surgery closest) as soon as possible.
- Prescriptions cost £8.40 per item. Prescription Prepayment Certificates can be obtained to save money on long-term prescriptions.
Staying safe in Cambridge
- Personal attack alarms: Free upon request from welfare officers.
- Churchill College account with CamCab (+44 1223 704704) for late-night emergencies… Save this number in your phone!
Reporting Crimes in Cambridge
In an emergency, call 999, regardless of whether you are directly involved in or witnessing a crime. You will be asked a series of questions by the call taker, so try to remain calm. If it’s safe to do so, stay where you made the call and wait for the police.
- Any hate crime (a hatred or fear shown towards someone due to one or more of their characteristics, as quoted by Student Service), sexual or physical assault can be reported to the police.
- For less urgent crimes or if you have a general enquiry, call 101 at any time of the day instead.
- You are also able to report a crime much after it has occurred. You can report the crime in person, with a friend, partner, Student Advisor, Victim Representative or CUSU/GU Officer at the Parkside Police Station from 8:00 to 10:00pm.
Support for victims and witnesses of sexual and physical assault.
If you feel comfortable, don’t hesitate to contact one of the Welfare officers, the College Nurse or the College Counsellor (especially if the assailant is from college) and we will try to help you out as best as possible. The following services are also available to those seeking support:
- Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCS) – There are none in Cambridge (closest ones are three centres in London one in Peterborough). List of centres here.
- Cambridge Rape Crisis Centre helpline.
- Choices Counselling for those who have faced childhood sexual abuse.
- Victim support for those who have experience any sort of crime.
- Victim and Witness Hub helpline for anyone affected by a crime.
- Your local GP/Other NHS Services for more information.