Welcome to Churchill MCR


Welcome to the Churchill College MCR website, home to the weekly Gazette and calendar booking systems. This is where you can find out about all the services and events the MCR offers. Make sure you subscribe to our calendar under the Events section so you don’t miss out. If you would like to promote a webpage there please contact the MCR Secretary.


The Middle Common Room (MCR) is a student body that exists to represent the graduate students of Churchill College in day to day activities and in dealings with the College administration. We organise academic and recreational events throughout the year to encourage bonding between students and to enrich their lives. These events are primarily organised during the Cambridge term time, however, as we are graduate students we don’t have any fixed holidays so we have the odd event or two out of term. The MCR Committee is awarded a budget from the College each year to sponsor events organised by the Committee, and suggestions for new events are always welcome. Please contact the committee if you want to organise a sponsored event.