
Many MCR members live onsite at Churchill in college accommodation. The MCR is responsible (in conjunction with the postgraduate office) to allocate rooms for returning postgraduate members this is done with a room ballot held in April each year.

The college is responsible for the maintenance and housekeeping of college accommodation. If you have any issues please submit the relevant maintenance and housekeeping reports so they can be addressed.

Maintenance and Housekeeping

Applications for 2024-25

Couples and families accommodation: closed.

The college will inform you whether you have been assigned couples/families accommodation.

MCR room ballots: Individual ballots closed!

The accomodation ballots for 2024 have been closed.

The MCR is responsible for running a room ballot to allocate rooms for returning postgraduate students who would like to stay in College accommodation. This is outlined in the ballot information document below. The available rooms in the ballot with relevant details are given in the second document. We hope to enable all students to make an informed decision about their accommodation!

The group ballot and the individual ballot will be available through the pink buttons from 8:30 on the respective opening dates. They close at 16:00 on their respective closing dates. Please make sure you familiarise yourself with the rules outlined in the ballot information document before entering the ballot.


Relevant documents and links: