- Contraception
- Most types are available free through NHS to all men and women in the UK.
- Free supplies from welfare officers or directly from CUSU (17 Mill Lane). Supplies include:
- Condoms – regular, snug, large, ribbed, latex-free
- Female condoms
- Dental dams
- Pregnancy tests
- Can also purchase online from https://www.saveembarrassment.com
- Register for a C-card to be able to pick up free condoms and dams at various locations in the city: https://www.ccardcambs.com
- Emergency contraception (pill) is available at pharmacies, GPs and sexual health clinics. Sexual health clinics and GPs should also be able to fit you with an emergency contraception IUD.
- Male and Female condoms are the only form of contraception that also protects against STIs.
- Other common ones include:
- Barrier methods(caps, rings and diaphragms) for women.
- Birth control pills and patches for women (hormonal).
- Long acting reversible contraception for women (LARC) that last 1-10 years including:
- Hormonal : Intra-uterine systems (IUSs), injections and implants that go under your skin.
- Non-hormonal : Copper coil (IUDs).
- Natural family planning/Fertility Awareness methods.
- Permanent sterilisation for men and women.
- Effectiveness rates with normal and perfect use are most concisely presented here.
- Visit the NHS website, see your GP to discuss different options, or for a check-up regarding your current method.
- Free emergency contraception from most GP surgeries, but if not Lime Tree Clinic (iCASH) at 315 Mill Road can sort you out.
- STI testing
- Not all STIs have symptoms, e.g. chlamydia. Important to get tested regularly, especially if sleeping with new partners and having unprotected sex (incl. unprotected oral sex).
- Visit a local sexual health clinic: Lime Tree Clinic (315 Mill Rd) icash.nhs.uk/where-to-go/lime-tree-clinic-cambridge
- Free HIV mail tests (discreet, free and quick!): https://www.test.hiv/
- HIV tests and support from DHIVERSE (Gwydir St, Cambridge) https://www.dhiverse.org.uk
- Free chlamydia home test kits can be ordered online from https://www.freetest.me/